What to Expect

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What should I wear?

Wear whatever makes you comfortable! Our congregation comes to worship in all types of outfits – from jeans and joggers to suits and ties. We look forward to seeing you!

When should I arrive?

Our service will begin at 9:30a, but we will have coffee and refreshments available starting at 9am.

Where do I park?

We recommend parking at the lot that is adjacent to the playground on 1st Street and Green Street.

Will there be coffee?

Yes! We will always have locally-sourced coffee freshly brewed for when you arrive.

What is a typical service like?
Our services start at 9:30am and are typically 70-80 minutes in length. Our worship includes singing, prayer, and then a message. Our preaching style is “expository,” meaning that each message is rooted in Scripture. You will LEARN, LAUGH, and grow to LOVE Jesus more as a result of the Pastor’s message! We celebrate the Lord’s Supper most Sundays and all who profess Jesus as Lord are welcome to take part. Watch A Sermon
Do you have a nursery?

Yes! We have a nursery for infants up to age three. Our nursery is staffed with experienced and professional childcare workers. Everyone in our nursery and children’s ministry have been background checked and given ministry safe training. We also provide a couple of rocking chairs for any mothers or fathers who want to keep their kids in the service.

What do kids do during the service?

Our worship services are designed to be welcoming for the whole family. We have activities for children to do in the service to help them learn and grow too. We also recognize that young children may create a stress for young moms and dads and so we have a children’s church for kids up to third grade during the sermon time that offers an age appropriate Bible lesson.

We encourage middle school and high school students to sit together in worship and we make sure to engage the questions and concerns of our younger worshippers in the service and the message.

Does your children’s ministry accommodate kids with special needs?

Yes! Both our nursery and Sunday school teachers have several years of experience working with special needs children. We are here to work with parents to make sure every child receives the love and care they require to flourish in our Sunday school. If you would like to discuss specific needs or share some instructions for us in advance please email LILOkids@renewepc.org or call 816-200-7616.

What does LILO mean?

Great question! LILO is a phrase you will hear a lot around Renew on Sunday mornings. It is basically short hand for our mission statement: We help people Live In and Live Out the good news of Jesus Christ. LILO are the four initials of Live In and Live Out.

Feel free to pick up a “Do you LILO?” wrist band at our Resources Table.

Still have questions?

Please send us an email, call/text, or message us on Facebook and we will address any question or concern you have promptly