Who We Are

Renew EPC is made up of people from all walks of life, ages, political perspectives, educations, and ethnic backgrounds. We desire to be a church that reflects the wonderful variety that is part of the Kingdom of God. We believe one of the most beautiful things to witness is the power of the gospel to bring people with so many differences together in worship of our Lord Jesus Christ. From wherever you have come, we welcome you to join the family of God at Renew EPC.

Our Mission

We help people live in and live out the good news of Jesus Christ

To live in the gospel means to find the gospel as your core identity. At Renew we believe that a person never grows out of the gospel, but only deeper into it. Further, a person whose identity is in the gospel is a person who lives out the gospel. True faith bears the fruit of faithfulness.

Our Pastor: Nathan Edwards

M.Div (2012), Th.M (2015), and Ph.D (2023, Old Testament)

Watch the Latest Sermon

Each week we hear a message about the hope of the gospel preached from the Bible. Pastor Nathan (M.Div, ThM, PhD) preaches expository messages (i.e. verse-by-verse) from the Bible. The messages always center our hope in the finished work of Jesus. After worship we take the same Scripture and discuss it in sermon-based small groups. Renew wants the Word of God to be more than heard, we want it to be applied to your life.

We are a Gospel-centered church who affirm the Essentials of our Faith.


Our Values


We are a wonderfully diverse people who are united in Christ, partners in ministry, and contributors to one another’s spiritual formation, well-being, and security.


We are broken people, wholly known and wholly loved in the gospel, who welcome and serve everyone with humility, compassion, and generosity.


We are committed to making known and progressing in the good news that we have been made new by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone.


We live by Him and for Him. We commit to being prayerful, authentic, and active witnesses for Christ in our lives. Together we work to be a multiplying church.


We stand on truth and believe that God’s Word, the Bible, is Truth. Truth doesn’t change; therefore, we are aligned confessionally with historic Reformed Christianity.


Jesus is our first love. Therefore, we are devoted to frequent, joyous, and reverential worship together.


Jesus is King. He must increase, but we must decrease. We seek and serve His kingdom above all that it might be on earth as it is in heaven. Maranatha!